- Date26.05.2011
- CatalogPMC078
- Genres
- Artists
Where to buy ?
Digital download at Bandcamp
STROKE.ARTFAIR is teaming up with PROJECT MOONCIRCLE to present an incredible selection of sounds and artworks.
The STROKE.ARTFAIR is the worlds first art fair with a main focus on all developements concerning the worldwide movement of the so called Urban Art. The fair was planned as a wandering-concept to justice the demands of this international art movement. The STROKE.ARTFAIR took already place twice in Munich (October ’09 and Mai ’10) and once in Berlin (October ’10). The next issue of the fair – STROKE.ARTFAIR – will take place once again in Munich (may 26 – 29). Additional shows will be presented throughout Germany next year.
The STROKE.ARTFAIR and Project: Mooncircle – founded in 2002 and presently one of the most creative german Music-labels – have teamed up to present STROKE.MUSIC, their first joint cooperation; a “soundtrack to art”.
The Berlin based label, with its unconventional and genre-crossing mixture between Hip Hop, Electronica, Downbeat, Soul, and Dubstep, and the first worldwide Urban Art Fair share a great set of ideals and, therefore, promise to be the perfect partners for STROKE.MUSIC. To bring STROKE.MUSIC into being, the artists of the STROKE.ARTFAIR galleries were asked to choose their personal favorite song out of the vast musical label-archive and use it as inspiration to create a new piece of art. The results of this venture will be presented in Munich during the STROKE.ARTFAIR in a special exhibition. Every interested visitor will be able to listen to the music while looking at the art in order to blend the impressions into a complete audio-visual experience. The STROKE.MUSIC compilation will be available as a free download for the first thousand interested listeners. Afterwards, every art- and music-aficionado can acquire the compilation for the price they believe to be appropriate.
Artwork by Alexandros Vasmoulakis.
The compilation includes acts like Robot Koch, fLako, John Robinson, DZA, Comfort Fit, Mike Gao, Dday One, Numaads, Glen Porter, The Q4, Long Arm, Graciela Maria, Pavel Dovgal, Joe Kickass, Killing Skills, Ta-Ku, Szenario, Nienvox and more…
Organisierte Formen von Schallereignissen treffen auf körperlich-räumliche Gebilde, die durch sich selbst wirken und keinen Interpreten brauchen, um vom Rezipienten wahrgenommen werden zu können. So ähnlich könnte vielleicht einmal auf Wikipedia das neueste Projekt der STROKE.ARTFAIR – Macher beschrieben werden. Da es aber bei STROKE.MUSIC nicht um populär- wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, sondern um Emotionen, Empfindungen und Kreativität geht, bevorzugen wir die Umgangssprache. Die STROKE.ARTFAIR und eines der derzeit kreativsten deutschen Musiklabels Project: Mooncircle präsentieren mit STROKE.MUSIC ihren ersten gemeinsamen “Soundtrack zur Kunst”. Das 2002 gegründete Berliner Label vereint mit seinem unkonventionellen und genreübergreifende Mix aus Hip Hop, Electronica, Downbeat, Soul und Dubstep die gleichen Ideale wie die weltweit erste Messe für Urban Art und verspricht damit der perfekte Partner für STROKE.MUSIC zu sein. Für STROKE.MUSIC wurden die Künstler der STROKE.ARTFAIR Galerien gebeten, sich aus dem umfangreichen Pool des Musiklabels, ihren ganz persönlichen Lieblingssong herauszupicken und sich von ihm inspirieren zu lassen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Kooperationen werden dann in München während der STROKE.ARTFAIR in einer Sonderausstellung präsentiert. Dort kann sich jeder Messebesucher die jeweiligen Musikstücke vor dem dazugehörigen Werk anhören und seine Impressionen zu einem audio-visuellen Gesamtkunstwerk verschmelzen lassen.
Die STROKE.MUSIC Compilation wird mit Beginn der Messe für die ersten 1.000 Interessenten zum kostenlosen Download erhältlich sein. Danach kann jeder Kunst- und Musikliebhaber das Werk für den Preis, den er für angemessen hält, erstehen.
Artwork von Alexandros Vasmoulakis.
Team #001: Marcus Gunnar Pettersson creates an artwork for STROKE.ARTFAIR in Munich inspired by the song “The Planet Is My Canvas“ of Robot Koch & John Robinson alias Robot Robinson! Team #002: Robert Proch creates an artwork inspired by the song “Andromeda“ of Pavel Dovgal! Team #004: Ashley Montague creates an artwork inspired by the song “5 Minutes“ of Numaads! Team #003: Pixelpancho creates an artwork inspired by the song “Left“ of Nienvox! Team #005: Odö creates an artwork inspired by the song “5AM“ of Glen Porter! More information here! Team #006: Nimit Malavia creates an artwork inspired by the song “Double Bass In Love“ of Long Arm! More information here! Team #007: Pau Quintanajornet creates an artwork inspired by the song “Lose Control“ of The Q4! More information here!
- 01 Double Bass in Love Long Arm | Artwork: Nimit Malavia
- 02 The Day Breaks 40 Winks
- 03 Look Again (Dday One Remix) Dday One
- 04 Lose Control The Q4 | Artwork: Pau Quintanajornet
- 05 Left Nienvox | Artwork: Pixelpancho
- 06 5 Minutes (STROKE.EXCLUSIVE) Numaads | Artwork: Ashley Montague
- 07 Through The Night Graciela Maria | Artwork: Yuske Imai
- 08 Andromeda Pavel Dovgal | Artwork: Robert Proch
- 09 Van Dijck Brown Killing Skills
- 10 Water and Solutions Robot Koch | Artwork: Bayo
- 11 Now (Robot Koch Remix) Numaads | Artwork: Swanski
- 12 5AM Glen Porter | Artwork: Odö
- 13 The Planet Is My Canvas Robot Koch And John Robinson | Artwork: Marcus Gunnar Pettersson
- 14 Bermuda Comfort Fit
- 15 Zine High (STROKE.EXCLUSIVE) Ta-Ku
- 16 That Type Of Night (STROKE.EXCLUSIVE) Joe Kickass
- 18 Shake It Harder Flako
- 19 Another One ft. Jakub Czep Szenario
- 20 Melamine Mike Gao
All listed Artworks by STROKE.ARTFAIR in Munich