If you were an idea, would you be a static one? An idea that never changes ?
An idea that tends to become something else ? An idea that becomes an obsession?
An idea can be an object, can be a sentence or just one word.
“Tendts“. What kind of word is that ? Could it be two words merged into one ? Or was it one from the beginning ? Let’s just say that the idea behind the word came up when two people were writing music in a room. In this particular room the only window that had a view of the outside world was always blocked by a rusty, dusty tent. Was this annoying tent worth becoming their artistic totem ? Maybe. But the one thing sure needed was a change. They had to transform the word into something else. They had to add something else. One letter.
Tent. Tend. TENDTS.
Latest video.
Tendts – I Met A Girl (Finest Ego | Faces Series Vol. 5 – Project: Mooncircle, 2013)
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