Born in 1983 in a small village in East Anglia. Moved to Brighton when I was 3. First track that I remember liking: Money, money, money by Abba. Made pause button compilation tapes of various types of dance music from the radio in my early teens. Got into good hip hop age 14. Started bedroom djing age 16. Computers got powerful enough to handle sample based production when I was 16. A friend of a friend showed me some music software when I was 16. Started making tracks age 16. First release as Mummy Fortuna’s Theatre Company on Lexoleum compilation on Lex Records with my good friend Sketch age 18. Released our first record proper, Born Of Man And Flies, the following year. Released Scarred For Life with vocalist and friend Legs MC as Amateur Dramatics. Played MPC in Sketch’s live band. Tried to make an album as Mummy Fortuna’s but didn’t really work. Both got into our solo stuff more. Released tracks with John Tsunam and Bougaloo. Released tracks on compilations on Project Mooncircle, Abandon Building and Subversiv Records. Finished first solo album. Called it Amongst Strangers. Amongst Strangers released in Japan and eventually worldwide on CD by Wimm Recordings. Got a live show together for Amongst Strangers with Irwin Max. Played some shows. Amongst Strangers released on vinyl by Project Mooncircle. Inertia EP released on Project Mooncircle. Sent Sage Francis a beat. Sage liked beat and used it on Human The Death Dance. Started work on second LP. Moved out of Brighton to London. Played shows in Japan. Played shows in central Europe. Started working with Gordon coordinating Project Mooncircle. Finished second LP. Called it What Else There Is. Released it on Project Mooncircle September 2008. Did some crude mastering jobs, released a few tracks and remixes. Stopped making Hip Hop in 2009. Started Project Squared in 2009. Occasionally working on Techno in 2010.
None of it is good enough.
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Mr Cooper – Six (Amongst Strangers – Project: Mooncircle, 2006)
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